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Tutorial to paint a snowman on a mason jar flat cutout using acrylics.
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Tutorial to paint 4 different snowmen around a round box or canister using acrylics.
Tutorial to paint 3 snowman ornaments with acrylics.
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Tutorial to paint 3 ornaments of snowmen iceskating using acrylics.
Tutorial to paint a snowman couple in love taking a carriage ride on a wintery night.
Tutorial to paint a group of Christmas carolers in a snowy scene (snowmen, teddy bear, gingerbread).
Tutorial to paint a tray of toasted marshmallow snowmen.
You are purchasing a digital painting pattern in pdf format. We offer a service to print and mail it to you. Price varies depending on # pages in pattern.
Painting pattern tutorial by Tracy Moreau to paint a snowman or gingerbread lollipop.
Tutorial to paint a snowman with baby snow girl ice skating on top of his hat using DecoArt Acrylics ....
Tutorial to paint a plaque with two snowmen in a pot with pine cones and pine branches ...
Tutorial to paint 3 snowman ornaments -
Snowman on 4" flat round ornament ...
Christmas plaque - stocking with snowmen, gingerbread, candy canes, and star ...
Dancing snowman couple ...
2 snowmen, a pair of cardinals, and hearts ...
3 snowmen in top hats ...
Winter scene of 2 snowmen and campfire under a quarter moon ...
2 snowmen in a painted snowglobe ...
Red pickup truck filled with snowmen, tree, and presents ...
Two snowmen decorating a Christmas tree with help from some bluebirds ...
Snowman candles painted on triangle tree with 13 stars to commemorate the final 13 fallen heroes in the Afghanistan withdrawal ...
Christmas ornaments hanging from a tree branch ...
Gnome Santa leading snowmen on a candy cane sled ...
Winter snow scene with barn, house, and snowmen
Five little snowmen reading a storybook ...
Sampler style design with rows of gingerbread, snowmen, candy canes, with accents of holly and berries ...
Gnomes, snowmen, elf girl, and snowflakes on star shapes ...
Re-release of Christmas Cuties ornament book 30+ whimsical ornaments...
Click "Details" - Must Order from MagCloud website link in product detail...
snow scene of prim house, snowmen, Christmas tree, presents, and quilted Valentine heart ...
Patriotic ornaments with snowmen and LOVE word art ...
Ice skating snowman ornaments ...
Two snowmen heads in knitted hats and scarfs with stenciled snowflake background ...
3 snowman ornaments ...
Primitive chicken paper towel holder with snow scene painted on belly of cabin, tree, moon, snowmen, and falling snow ...
3 gingerbread and snowman ornaments ...
Pickup truck loaded with snowmen ...
Row of pretty snowman / snowgirls
Snowmen and old red truck painted on vintage 4 quart oil can.
Snowmen candlesticks figures.
Snowmen faces with ornament head garland.
Click on Title or Image for more info...
3 cat designs on glass Christmas ornaments.
2 Snowmen, bear, cat, reindeer, penguin painted on vintage poker chips or wooden nickels.
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