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Tutorial to paint an outdoorsy still life with a birdwatcher theme - bird reference book, nest, feather, binoculars, hat, tulips, and woven owl using acrylics.
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Tutorial by Debbie Cushing to paint a scene of two little birds wearing Santa hats sitting in a nest of holly with DecoArt Acrylics.
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Tutorial by Debbie Cushing to paint a mouse dressed in tuxedo and top hat holding champagne using DecoArt Acrylics. Holiday Mice Series.
Tutorial to paint a still life of Santa hat with stack of cookies bordered by holly leaves and red berries using acrylic paint.
Tutorial to paint a gnome wearing a Santa hat with accent of holly leaves and red berries on decoupaged paper background using acrylic paint.
Tutorial to paint a still life of Santa hat and candle bordered by holly leaves and red berries on decoupaged paper background using acrylic paint.
Tutorial to paint a teddy bear wearing Santa hat, a Christmas ornament, and holly swag using using acrylics.
Painting Pattern Tutorial by Gini Deaton to paint a vintage style still life of table top with oil lamp, books, hat, and white gloves using oil paints, which can be adapted to acrylics.
Tutorial to paint 3 ornaments - baby snowman, gingerbread, and owl wearing Santa hats.
Painting tutorial for little girl in black hat and print dress holding a flower bouquet painted in colored pencil by Pat Lentine.
Painting tutorial for little girl in straw hat with her teddybear painted in colored pencil by Pat Lentine.
Tutorial to paint an sunhat with flowery hat band handing on a fence post on 9"x9" cork panel.
Painting tutorial for a scene of two little birds wearing Uncle Sam hats sitting on tree brand with fireworks in the background painted with acrylics.
Tutorial to paint 3 ornaments - snowman, gingerbread, and owl wearing Santa hats.
Tutorial to paint 4 cat and dog Christmas ornaments - dog wearing Santa hat, dog in wrapped package, kitten in Christmas tree, kitten in a stocking.
Tutorial to paint a Christmas sampler with bell, holly and berries, candles, Santa hat, Christmas tree, candy cane. Or paint the individual components on smaller ornaments.
Snowman with top hat filled with Christmas things - gingerbread man, greenery, peppermint sticks, mistletoe, holly, wrapped present.
Tutorial to paint a winter scene with penguin wearing knitted winter scarf and jacket holding a Christmas tree.
Tutorial to paint a winter scene with snowman and penguin wearing knitted winter hat and scarf and sitting among evergreen trees and sharing a cup of cocoa ...
Tutorial to paint a polar bear wearing knitted winter hat and scarf looking up at a snowy branch with two little birds ...
Tutorial to paint a bunny wearing knitted stocking cap and sweater and two little blue birds ...
Tutorial to paint a teddy bear wearing knitted winter hat and scarf....
Tutorial to paint a cat wearing knitted winter hat, scarf, and mittens and holding cup of hot chocolate...
Tutorial to paint 3 Halloween ornaments with magical witch hats.
Tutorial to paint still life of Santa's hat sitting among holly & berries, pine sprigs, and a pine cone ...
Tutorial to paint 3 ornaments - gnome, snowman, and penguin wearing Santa hats ...
Grumpy bird wearing a Santa hat ...
Pumpkin with witch hat, candle, mouse, and cobwebs ...
Tutorial to paint dancing candy corn and witch hat with striped legs ...
Tutorial to paint woman in sunhat that is hiding the top half of her face ...
Scalloped plaque with spring cookies - bird, Easter egg, bunny, lamb, straw hat, butterfly ...
Puppy in Santa hat surrounded by holly leaves and berries ...
You are purchasing a digital painting pattern in pdf format. We offer a service to print and mail it to you. Price varies depending on # pages in pattern.
Teddy bear wearing a top hat and vest with an ornate pocket watch ...
Halloween ornaments ...
Green top hat, cupcake, coffee mug ...
Spring cloche hat plaque with dragonfly, honey bee, lady bug and stenciled flowers ...
"JOY" with Santa hat draped over the "O" and embellished with sprig of holly and berries ...
Kitten wearing Santa hat while tucked in red high-heeled stiletto boot ...
Happy jack-o-lantern pumpkin wearing witch hat ....
Primitive gnome wearing Santa hat under a quarter moon ...
'Fly by Night Broom Repair' Halloween sign ...
Frog or toad wearing a witch hat and eyeglasses posed behind a pumpkin painted on water glass ...
Witch hat cutout painted with full moon, crow, frog, pumpkins, and bats ...
Black cat wearing witch hat and angel wings sitting on a pumpkin ....
Sleeping girl wearing Santa hat on rocking horse ...
Reindeer has snatched Santa's hat ...
Halloween wreath sign with ghost, witch's hat, Frankenstein, mummy, cat, candy corn, pumpkin, bat, and more ...
Summer ornaments - summer sign, straw hat, cherries, sailboat ...
Two patterns in one - Summer ornaments and summer plaque. ...
Jack o lantern pumpkin wearing witch hat decorated with with Halloween candy corn on stenciled background ...
Santa hat and words "I Believe in Santa" ...
Skating gnome in Santa hat bordered by holly sprigs ...
Santa hats and holly and berry sprigs on glass ...
Roaring twenties jazz age inspired ornaments - cloche hat and art deco geometric ...
Halloween plaque with pumpkin man, scarecrow, witch hat, ghost, crow ...
Halloween plaque with pumpkin man, scarecrow, witch hat, ghost, crow, and 4 ornaments with pumpkin, black cat, fall sign, and witch ...
Halloween scene with witch hat, pumpkin, spider web, and full moon ...
Crow perched atop a beehive with American flags...
Ms. Liberty...
Gnome dressed in nurse hat holding hand sanitizer and stethoscope ...
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