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Tutorial to paint poinsettias on a glass jar using DecoArt and Plaid glass paints.
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Tutorial to paint a male and female cardinal perched on evergreen branch on wine or water glasses using glass paint.
You are purchasing a digital painting pattern in pdf format. We offer a service to print and mail it to you.
Tutorial to paint baby Jesus in a manger surrounded by a border of stained glass and gold stenciled strokework using acrylics.
Tutorial to paint a design of purple and yellow pansies painted on glass with glass paint.
Tutorial to paint a haunted house scene with flying witch, bats, and pumpkins using DecoArt Glass Paint.
Tutorial to freehand paint a design of pine boughs, berries, and pine cones using DecoArt Glass Paint. NO TRACER DRAWING.
Tutorial to paint purple flower blossoms and white lilacs using DecoArt Glass Paint and Plaid Folkart Enamels.
Tutorial to paint an owl face on glass using DecoArt Glass Paint and Americana Acrylics.
Tutorial to paint a pair of mallards on glass using DecoArt Glass Paint.
Tutorial by Tracy Moreau to paint an 8"x10" still life of wine bottle, glass, cheese, and grapes using acrylics.
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Tutorial by Tracy Moreau to paint a still life of wine bottles, glass, and grapes sitting in windowsill overlooking Tuscany landscape using acrylics.
Tutorial to paint a a church with stained glass window of Mary, Joseph, and Baby Jesus.
Tutorial to paint candy canes, pine sprigs, and berries on glass using DecoArt Americana Gloss Enamels.
Tutorial to paint lemons on glass or fabric ...
Tutorial to paint raspberries and chickadee on glass lined with gold or not (your choice) ...
Still life of wine bottle, glass, grapes, and holly on a canvas wine totebag ...
Sculpt and paint a snowy cottage on a liquor bottle (NO LINE DRAWING IS INCLUDED) ...
Heron ...
Painting tutorial for water goblet candle pedestal painted as Santa with gingerbread cookies and candy canes tucked into his hatband.
Pine boughs and Christmas ball ornaments on glass ...
Beach scene with flying seagulls, sea grass, and fence ...
Pink bumblebee ...
Red violet poppy ...
Patriotic bald eagle painted on water or wine glass ...
Morning glories and blue birds on glass ...
Geranium painted on water or wine glass ...
Poinsettia painted on water or wine glass ...
Frog or toad wearing a witch hat and eyeglasses posed behind a pumpkin painted on water glass ...
Fox and flowers painted on water glass ...
Canvas sign of empty wine bottle, wine glass and words "This Wine Is Making Me Awesome" ...
Ship in a glass bottle ...
Still life of wine bottle, wine glass, and green grapes ...
Bunny rabbit with flower garland ...
Pink flower blossoms on glass ...
Daffodils painted on glass ...
Multi-colored spring crocus painted on glass ...
Bright yellow sunflower on glass ...
Bumblebees or honey bees and daisies on glass ...
Flamingo painted on water glass ...
Toucan and hibiscus painted on water glass ...
Set of 4 wine glass painted with bird's nests and flowers ...
Gnome in pool float holding a cocktail painted on water glass ...
2 Bumblebees on glass ...
Santa hats and holly and berry sprigs on glass ...
Still life of table top with book, grapes, peaches, hour glass, and bread painted in oils ...
Goldfinches and daisies ...
Multi-colored butterflies ...
Gilded gold and green leaves on glass ...
Still life of strainer of apples, wine bottle, and glass.
Zebra head painted on glass
Giraffe head painted on glass
White lily painted on wine glass
Multiple designs of High heel shoes painted on wine glasses
Black and white flowers and butterfly painted on glasses.
Whimsical hearts in black, white, silver, and gold painted on glasses.
Black, white, and silver butterfly painted on glass.
Sea turtle painted on wine glass.
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