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Tutorial to paint poinsettias on a glass jar using DecoArt and Plaid glass paints.
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Tutorial to paint a cardinal and pumpkins with vine wreath border on chalkboard using acrylics.
You are purchasing a digital painting pattern in pdf format. We offer a service to print and mail it to you.
Tutorial to paint a teddy bear on a kitchen chalkboard.
Tutorial by Tracy Moreau to paint colorful flowers on plaque with words "Marche aux Fleurs" on background.
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Tutorial to paint a girl cow in red dress holding a chalkboard.
Tutorial to paint a boy cow in blue overalls holding a chalkboard.
Tutorial to paint 2 chalkboard ornaments - Santa and snowman. Their tummy area is painted with chalkboard paint so you can change the # of days until Christmas with chalk.
Painting tutorial for 3 chickadees, holly and berries, and Merry Christmas words.
Tutorial to paint owl on chalkboard menu sign ...
Tutorial to paint a snowman plaque ...
Tutorial to paint a guardian angel.
Tutorial to paint a group of gnomes in a toadstool house ...
Tutorial to paint a panda bear with red bow in her hair resting on a fence decorated with Christmas garland ...
3 Christmas ornaments - Elf, Christmas tree, snowman ...
Strawberry chalkboard style sign ...
Bunny, tulips, crocus, and hyacinth ...
Santa face plaque with chalkboard space to countdown days until Christmas ...
Chalkboard style sign of pumpkin outline with fall word art ...
Lighthouse and water scene ...
Raccoon in Santa hat behind chalkboard sign and holly/berries ...
Chalkboard ornaments with penguin, snowman, reindeer ...
Trio of snowmen with mailbox and sled ...
Santa with gingerbread man, gingerbread house, and Christmas stocking on his beard ...
Santa sign ...
Bold colors, peppermint border, holly sprig, and chalkboard lettering ...
Christmas stocking and chalkboard lettering ...
Halloween sign...
Halloween train...
Chalkboard plaque with painted house and verse "Home Is Where the Heart Is".
Coral rose on chalkboard background.
Black cat on wine bottle
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