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Tutorial to paint a summer wall decoration with large sun shining over ocean and sailboat with words "Sailing on a Summer Breeze" with acrylics.
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Painting Pattern Tutorial by Gini Deaton to paint an early autumn landscape of lake, woods, cattails, fishing boat using oil paints, which can be adapted to acrylics.
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Tutorial to paint a sailboat in sunset's orange glow using acrylics.
You are purchasing a digital painting pattern in pdf format. We offer a service to print and mail it to you. Price varies depending on # pages in pattern.
Painting tutorial for a scene of two little birds sitting in a rowboat on a pond painted with acrylics.
Painting tutorial for a fall landscape of rowboat on the bank of a pond or lake using oils, but can be adapted to acrylics.
Tutorial to paint a nautical scene with ocean waves, sailboat, dolphin, starfish, sunshine, and seashells using acrylic paint.
Tutorial to paint a little boy fishing with a boat in the background using acrylics.
Tutorial to paint 3 Christmas ornaments with Florida themes - palm trees, sailboat, Santa's suitcase.
Tutorial showing how to paint summer sign with boat dock on lake with rowboat, oar, and floats/bobbers, using acrylics.
Tutorial to paint a sailboat, life preserver, and words "Relax, Life Is Good" on a cotton totebag.
Tutorial to paint seascape of lighthouse and sailing ship ...
Tutorial to paint a sunrise (or sunset) scene of fishing rod and reel on the back of a boat on lake ...
Tutorial to paint two ornaments with lake scenes with canoe and sailboat ...
Tutorial to paint a baby boy blue and green plaque with teddy bear, sail boat, rocking horse, model plane -
Tutorial to paint whale plaque with scrimshaw style kraken design and compass on base of optional stand.
Sailboat in silhouette on ocean in front of full moon ...
Rowboat tied up to shore ...
Charming seascape with a happy sunshine face, lighthouse, palm trees, and sail boat ...
Teddy bear in sailor suit holding anchor and sailboat ...
Abandoned boat on shore of seaside village in pen and ink with acrylic washes ...
Landscape scene showing bow of a fishing boat with fishing rod out over a lake with wooded scene of tall trees beyond ...
Drifting rowboat near the beach ...
Summer ornaments - summer sign, straw hat, cherries, sailboat ...
Two patterns in one - Summer ornaments and summer plaque. ...
Underwater scene with 2 clown fish, starfish, and plants ...
Sailboat ...
Seascape of lighthouse, sailboat, and seagulls ...
Mixed media project of newspaper sailboat decoupaged over stenciled waves and water ...
Beach ocean scene of sailboats moored in Sarasota Bay, Florida ...
Sailboat on the sea with seagull flying above ...
Fishing lures and gold lake scene ...
Boat and buoy floating in water off shore line.
Sailboat at sunset.
Boat, anchor, lighthouse...
Ocean beach scene of palm tree and sailboat on 4x6 journal.
Summer lighthouse
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