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Tutorial to paint little mouse dressed in flag shirt and jean watching fireworks in the night sky using acrylics. Holiday Mice Series.
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Painting tutorial for a scene of two little birds wearing Uncle Sam hats sitting on tree brand with fireworks in the background painted with acrylics.
Tutorial to paint a red white and blue design of Americana colors with flowers, mushrooms, ladybugs, bird, and birdhouse on metal envelope pocket.
Tutorial to paint a patriotic red white and blue volkswagen bus driven by Uncle Sam.
Tutorial to paint two rolling pin plaques with Uncle Sam Americana designs.
Tutorial to paint an Uncle Sam gnome sign.
Tutorial to paint an Uncle Sam sign.
Tutorial to paint an Americana sign with flag background and granite pitcher with bouquet of sunflowers and daisies.
"Yes" - We will print the file, put it in a page protector, and mail it to you. You can still download the pdf file if you desire.
Tutorial to paint an Americana sign with still life of mason jar filled with yellow, red, and blue flowers, and American flag label.
Vintage 1994 pattern by Kathy Langdon of weathered wood chicken coop with chicken scenes on 3 sides, climbing roses on 4th side.
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Tutorial to paint dogs and cat in a wagon decorated with American bunting and flag ...
Tutorial to paint crow on wheels wearing Uncle Sam hat and carrying flag ...
Tiered tray filled with Uncle Sam, birdhouse, firecrackers, cupcake, daisies, USA flag banner ...
Swag of wood or canvas pieces painted with 3 mini-designs of Americana flags and flowers ...
Primitive apple pie still life on flag striped background ...
Primitive house decorated with Americana flags and bunting ...
American eagle with a zentangle touch ...
Themed payloads for Red Truck Welcome Plaque... Thanksgiving, Patriotic or Americana, garden gnomes ...
Door crown with red and white stripes, stars, and blue eagle silhouette ...
Americana snowman ornaments ...
Patriotic Americana design of stars and stripes, Lady Liberty crown, and word "Believe" ...
Patriotic Americana flag sign ...
Black cat watching fireworks overhead ...
Fireworks, stenciled Liberty Bell, and words "Let Freedom Ring" ...
Flag banner with USA, rooster, sunflower, and firecrackers ...
Patriotic ornaments with snowmen and LOVE word art ...
Mitten ornaments painted with patriotic Americana design of stars and stripes ...
Kitty jumping in surprise when a mouse lights a sparkler under his tail.
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