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You are purchasing a digital painting pattern in pdf format. We offer a service to print and mail it to you.
"No" - You will download the pdf file and print it yourself.
"Yes" - We will print the file and mail it to you. You can still download the pdf file if you desire.
"Yes" - We will print the file, put it in a page protector, and mail it to you. You can still download the pdf file if you desire.
These bears are having a party and you are all invited!
This little artist teddy bear is painted on a one gallon paint can... perfect to hold your paint brushes.
You are purchasing a digital painting pattern in pdf format. We offer a service to print and mail it to you. Price varies depending on # pages in pattern.
Sleeping Teddy...
This banner painted on Roc Lon fabric with a wooden topper will make a great addition to your St. Patrick's Day decorations!
Siamese cat, gingerbread, and snowman on fabric.
White cat gourd.
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