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Tutorial to paint 6 Christmas ornaments with stenciled music note backgrounds - Santa, snowman, gingerbread, reindeer, candy cane, sleigh.
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Tutorial to paint a bunny in Santa suit riding a reindeer.
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Tutorial to paint a pair of love birds surrounded by flowers.
Tutorial to paint a Christmas plaque with Santa, snowman, and reindeer.
Painting pattern tutorial by Tracy Moreau to paint 3 Christmas ornaments with wrapping paper theme - Christmas lights, holly and berries, mistletoe.
Painting pattern tutorial by Tracy Moreau to paint a candle in a jar with greenery and stenciled snowflake accents on an extra large gift tag plaque.
Painting pattern tutorial by Tracy Moreau to paint a bowl of Christmas treats with snowman cookie, gingerbread, candy canes and background embellished with stenciled snowflakes.
Painting pattern tutorial by Tracy Moreau to paint a bowl of Christmas treats with Santa cookie, gingerbread, peppermint sticks, a wooden spoon, and background embellished with stenciled snowflakes.
Tutorial to paint pale pink violets bordered by lace on a deep maroon background.
Tutorial to paint pale lavender flowers and white lily of the valley bordered by lace on a dark blue background.
Tutorial to paint purple pansies, white daisies, and orange ribbon, bordered by lace on a deep purple background.
Tutorial to paint cute penguin, Santa, and snowman face on rolling pin sign ...
Tutorial to paint cute round Santa sign.
Tutorial to paint cute round snowman sign.
Tutorial to paint a HOME sign with 19 changeable pieces for the "O" for the each month, holidays, and more.
Tutorial to paint a snowy landscape of stream and evergreens bordered by pink roses and leaves.
Tutorial to paint a baby fawn with watercolor and colored pencil.
Tutorial to paint a pink roses and leaves.
Tutorial to paint yellow roses and leaves.
Painting tutorial for pale pink primroses, holly and berries, and words 'Merry Christmas'.
Painting tutorial for a large tag sign with gingerbread, mixing bowl, cookie cutter, peppermint sticks, snowflakes, and words "Christmas Sweets".
Painting tutorial for a large tag sign with gingerbread teapot with peppermint handle and spout, bonus gingerbread gift tags.
Painting tutorial for autumn / fall Thanksgiving sign with pumpkin, gourd, and scrolled stenciled embellishments.
Two gingerbread wearing glasses and rolling pin.
Tutorial to paint snowman in a stocking with words "I'm Stuffed".
Tutorial to paint Santa face on a breadboard.
Tutorial to paint baby Jesus in a manger.
Painting tutorial for autumn / fall Thanksgiving sign with pumpkin, leaves, and wheat.
Painting tutorial for a cutting board with gingerbread, holly and berries, snowflakes, and words "Baking Spirts Bright".
Painting tutorial for a teddy bear holding a candy cane with background snowflakes, holly and berries border.
Painting tutorial for 3 chickadees, holly and berries, and Merry Christmas words.
Painting tutorial for for Santa gnome and Christmas cookies.
Mixed media painting tutorial for for prim animals - sheep, pig, chicken, and a bonus Santa.
Tutorial to paint 3 Christmas ornaments - gingerbread, snowman, Santa.
Snowman with top hat filled with Christmas things - gingerbread man, greenery, peppermint sticks, mistletoe, holly, wrapped present.
Santa holding Baby Jesus.
Thanksgiving turkey - gobble, gobble, gobble.
Tutorial to paint a Christmas paddle board ornament with jingle bells, holly and berries, poinsettia.
You are purchasing a digital painting pattern in pdf format. We offer a service to print and mail it to you. Price varies depending on # pages in pattern.
Tutorial to paint a scalloped heart plate with a pink flower border and lace medallion in the center.
Painting tutorial and pattern to paint 3 Christmas snowflake ornaments with teddy bears.
Tutorial to paint pink stroke roses and leaves in a heart shape.
Tutorial to paint pink roses and blue bird in a vintage style.
Tutorial to paint a Christmas ball ornament and peppermint candy ornament....
Tutorial to paint 3 Christmas ornament with words HO HO HO with snowflakes, peppermint, and cherries...
Tutorial to paint a winter scene with snowman holding a stuff teddy bear and standing beside a birdhouse and redbird.
Tutorial to paint an arc or spray of purple roses and leaves. ...
Tutorial to paint a Santa on a round plaque with overlays (no drawing) ...
Tutorial to paint a 3 birds (tree sparrow, warbler, chickadee) sitting on a weathered fence ...
Tutorial to paint a red pickup truck sitting in front of weathered mechanics garage ...
Tutorial to paint a winter scene with penguin wearing knitted winter scarf and jacket holding a Christmas tree.
Tutorial to paint a spray of red poinsettias and mistletoe with white berries.
Tutorial to paint pink roses, ribbon, and berries on a tissue box.
Tutorial to paint pink roses on Christmas ornaments or other small surfaces.
Tutorial to paint a snowman and Christmas tree on a gourd ...
Tutorial to paint a cardinal and Christmas ball ornaments on a gourd ...
Tutorial to paint an evil gnome on a recycled book ...
Tutorial to paint hummingbird and purple flowers using pen and ink with color washes ...
Tutorial to paint a spring scene of bunny holding carrot, honey bee, and flowers ...
Tutorial to paint a summer scene of teddy bear, watermelon, and flowers ...
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