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Tutorial to paint wizard snail with crystal ball shell on a pumpkin ornament.
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Tutorial to paint red devil snail holding pitchfork on a pumpkin ornament.
Tutorial to paint trick or treating snail with pumpkin candy bucket shell on a pumpkin ornament.
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Tutorial to paint Hazel Witch Halloween snail pumpkin ornament.
Tutorial to paint mummy Halloween snail pumpkin ornament.
Tutorial to paint Halloween snail with candy corn shell pumpkin ornament.
Tutorial to paint Halloween snail in cat costume pumpkin ornament.
Tutorial to paint Halloween snail in ghost costume pumpkin ornament.
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Tutorial to paint a gardening themed ornament with snail whose shell is a wooden crate filled with gardening tools.
Tutorial to paint a gardening themed ornament with snail whose shell is a watering can filled with flowers.
Tutorial to paint garland of pumpkin and bat cutouts with the letters spelling out 'BOO' on the pumpkins.
"Yes" - We will print the file and mail it to you. You can still download the pdf file if you desire.
Tutorial to paint owl on pumpkin plaque.
Tutorial to paint ornaments with Halloween-themed silhouettes.
Tutorial to paint a snail with pumpkin shell.
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Tutorial to paint black-capped chickadee perched on pine branch with pine cone and snow.
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