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Tutorial to paint with acrylics a mouse wearing pink skirt and blue sweater holding a pink Happy Mother's Day banner and standing in a field of flowers.
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Tutorial to paint a pair of pink roses with acrylics.
"Yes" - We will print the file and mail it to you. You can still download the pdf file if you desire.
Tutorial to paint pink rosebuds and blue forget-me-nots with leaves, vines, and a heart insert on and mdf envelope.
Tutorial to paint a pink tulips and lace medallion with tulips on purple background.
Painting tutorial for a spring scene of little bunny giving flowers to mom bunny.
Tutorial to paint heart with lace, rose, and words "Mother Is Love".
Tutorial to paint plaque with lace, rose, and words "My Mother My World".
Momma bluebird tending her nest on a tree branch ...
Farm scene with momma hen, baby chicks, and smiling sunshine ...
Mother and baby swan ...
Still life of vintage porcelain vase with rose design, a pink rose, and lace doily ...
Momma bear hugging her cubs ...
Mother duck and her ducklings - a mother's work is never done ...
Mother and baby in winter scene ...
Mother and baby in spring scene with cherry tree ...
Mother and baby in a summer scene of sunflowers ...
Momma and baby rabbit at play ...
Spring or summer panel for mother's day with ball jar, roses, and flowers to fit on cell phone or tablet stand (does not include pattern for barnwood stand - sold separately) ...
Pansy with stenciled M's for MOM (pansy is the 'O') ...
Hollyhock and dragonflies ...
Snowman on a star ...
Butterfly on white hydrangea type flower ...
Gingerbread momma chef surrounded by ginger babies and baking supplies ...
Momma and baby bird on light grey suede mat board ...
Canada goose and nest of eggs near pond with cat tails ...
Mother holding newborn baby ...
Baby bunny sleeping on mama bunny's head ...
Mother chicken and baby chicks...
Mother and daughter aprons painted with toadstools or mushrooms.
MOM and butterfly on watercolor greeting card - Americana Acrylics.
Mama and baby elephant.
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You are purchasing a digital painting pattern in pdf format. We offer a service to print and mail it to you. Price varies depending on # pages in pattern.
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