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Tutorial to paint a loving snowman couple on a gourd.
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Tutorial to paint a snowman holding a poinsettia on a gourd.
Tutorial to paint a snowman and Christmas tree on a gourd ...
Tutorial to paint a cardinal and Christmas ball ornaments on a gourd ...
Tutorial for creating and painting a set of 3 Halloween ghost blocks ...
"Yes" - We will print the file, put it in a page protector, and mail it to you. You can still download the pdf file if you desire.
Tutorial to paint a sunflowers and pumpkin wreath on a gourd ...
Tutorial to paint a Christmas elf on a gourd ...
Tutorial to paint a sunflowers on a gourd ...
Tutorial to paint a snowman face and wreath on a gourd ...
Tutorial to paint a gourd with flag background, saltbox house, trees, and fireworks ...
Gourd birdhouse painted with a spray of purple and blue hydrangea and white daisies ...
Tutorial to paint a gourd with flag background, saltbox house, foliage, and American flag...
Add molding clay to a bottle gourd to fashion and paint a bumblebee (honey bee) with daisies painted on its body ...
Gourd birdhouse painted with a spray of strawberries and daisies and a butterfly ...
Add molding clay to a gourd to fashion and paint a hen / chicken ...
Gourd birdhouse painted with a spray of hydrangea and flying bumblebees ...
Gourd birdhouse painted with a variety of flowers and a butterfly ...
Add molding clay to a bottle gourd to fashion and paint a baby chicken ...
Add molding clay to a bottle gourd to fashion and paint a bear honeybee (bumblebee) with sunflower painted on body ...
Snowman gourd with bag of Christmas presents ....
Chicken with Christmas lights and jingle bells hanging from her neck ....
Black cat with bowl of fish and necklace with beads, fish, and octopus painted on a bottle gourd ...
Black cat with cardinal and birdhouse painted on a bottle gourd ...
Owl with saltbox house and trees on his belly painted on a bottle gourd ...
Chicken lady baker with wings full of baked goods ....
Owl reading a book painted on a bottle gourd ...
Santa with garland ....
Santa with gifts and stocking ....
Black cat with a string of fish ....
Chicken lady cleaning lady with broom and rug beater painted on bottle gourd ....
Chicken lady with laundry basket and apron painted with clothes drying on the line ....
Chicken girl with poppy apron painted on bottle gourd ....
Chicken girl with flowered apron, her crest in cinnamon stick curlers, and holding a mirror to admire herself - painted on bottle gourd ....
Duck wearing an apron painted on bottle gourd ....
Snowman gourd with belly scene of reindeer putting letter to Santa in a mailbox...
Santa's face painted on world globe or kettle gourd ...
Witch or ghoul's face painted on kettle gourd ...
Gnome gourd with fleece hat decorated with felt mushrooms...
Gourd chicken with daisies and poppy...
Gourd chicken with sunflowers and felt purse ...
Gnome gourd with fleece hat decorated with felt flowers...
Gourd cat holding a bouquet of flowers...
Gourd cat holding a goldfish bowl...
Black and white chicken with primitive house scene and heart painted on gourd...
Snowman with winter cabin scene painted on gourd...
Black chicken with apron and cooking utensils painted on gourd...
Snowman holding stuffed bunny and pine & berry sprays painted on gourd...
Cardinals, snow, and winter greenery painted on a gourd...
Santa with candy and reindeer in his pockets painted on a gourd...
Santa holding gingerbread and snowman in his arms painted on a gourd...
Snowman holding stuffed bunnies, a flag garland, and pine & berry sprays painted on gourd...
Chicken with pumpkins and autumn leaves painted on gourd...
Bear with beehive on gourd or paper towel holder.
Red or green apples painted on gourd.
Chickens painted on gourds.
Chicken and flowers painted on gourds.
Cat and mouse on gourd or paper towel holder.
Chicken painted on gourd.
Black cat with little fishes.
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