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Tutorial to paint a gnome holding a wildflower bouquet and sign that says "Bloom" on plaque with words "Love Grows Here" using acrylics.
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Tutorial to paint gnome Santa holding a gingerbread man cookie bordered by snowflakes using acrylics.
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Tutorial to paint 3 ornaments - baby snowman, gingerbread, and owl wearing Santa hats.
Painting pattern tutorial by Sandra Malone to paint a gnome asleep on a bed of strawberries using acrylics.
Tutorial to paint 2 Halloween gift bags - ghosts and black cat under a full moon - a gnome in witch hat with spider webs - using acrylics.
Tutorial to paint a gnome wearing a pilgrim hat sprouting turkey feathers sitting on a pumpkin and holding a sign "GIVE" using acrylics.
Tutorial by Jillybean Fitzhenry to paint a gnome with a spoon and a jar of strawberry jam using DecoArt Americana Acrylic paints.
Tutorial by Jillybean Fitzhenry to paint a lovely gnome couple on a pink background bordered by roses using acrylics.
Tutorial by Jillybean Fitzhenry to paint an iceskating gnome on a buffalo check background using acrylics.
Tutorial by Jillybean Fitzhenry to paint 2 gnome ornaments (one gnome has reindeer antlers hat and is holding a snowflake/the other is holding a cupcake) using acrylics.
Tutorial by Jillybean Fitzhenry to paint a gnome with spring flowers (tulip, daffodil / narcissus, crocus using acrylics.
Tutorial by Jillybean Fitzhenry to paint a scarecrow gnome portrait using acrylics.
Tutorial by Jillybean Fitzhenry to paint a gnome sitting in a lawn chair under a watermelon sunbrella eating a slice of watermelon, wearing watermelon shoes, and holding a watermelon icepop using acrylics.
Tutorial to paint a gnome holding a sunflower and Fall sign with blackbird on his shoulder using acrylics.
Tutorial to paint a gnome wearing pilgrim hat sitting on the back of a pickup truck filled with turkey, pumpkins, apple basket, and little gnome using acrylics.
Tutorial to paint a gnome sitting on the beach under a palm tree wearing tropical attire using acrylics.
Tutorial to paint 3 pumpkin ornaments with gnomes using acrylics.
Tutorial to paint a St. Patrick's Day sign with a leprechaun springing up out of a pot of shamrocks using acrylics.
Tutorial to create a Valentine heart with stenciled gnome (NO DRAWING to trace you will need to buy the stencil) using acrylics.
Tutorial to paint a St. Patrick's Day sign with leprechaun and shamrocks with acrylics.
Painting Pattern Tutorial to paint a gnome dressed in bunny ears and slippers with peeps and Easter eggs in his pockets and on the ground.
Tutorial to paint the back of a pickup truck loaded with Easter eggs, gnome, bunny, and baby chick.
Tutorial to paint Americana sign with Uncle Sam gnome, dog, flag, fireworks, butterfly, balloons.
Tutorial to paint 3 ornaments - snowman, gingerbread, and owl wearing Santa hats.
Tutorial to paint a gnome wearing a hat and rubber boots along side a terra cotta pot of greenery and butterflies.
Tutorial to paint a Valentine gnome with heart balloons.
4 gnome designs for Valentine, Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas ...
Tutorial to paint a psychedelic VW bus covered in flowers and driven by gnomes.
Tutorial to paint a gnome, candy cane, snowman mug of cocoa, and Christmas tree in 3 versions to fit different surfaces ...
Tutorial to paint an ornament with Santa gnome holding a gingerbread man.
Tutorial to paint a gnome elf dancing over a path of Christmas ribbon candy.
Tutorial to paint an Uncle Sam gnome sign.
Gnome dressed in Santa suit and wooly scarf with a sprig of holly in his hat and a wrapped present on the ground.
Gnome driving red car with candy cane, wrapped Christmas present, Christmas tree, and little gnomes sitting on the bumper ...
Painting tutorial for for Santa gnome and Christmas cookies.
Mixed media painting tutorial for for prim animals - sheep, pig, chicken, and a bonus Santa.
Tutorial to paint an evil gnome on a recycled book ...
Tutorial to paint a gnome elf skateboarding over a path of Christmas ribbon candy ....
Tutorial to paint a gnome elf sleeping on some Christmas ribbon candy ....
Tutorial to paint a 2 ornaments - gnome with pumpkin/sunflower, and ghost with pumpkin/black cat.
Tutorial to paint a gnome, pumpkins, sunflowers, and lantern in 3 versions to fit different surfaces ...
Gnome scarecrow in a pumpkin patch ...
Tutorial to paint the storefront of a French restaurant cafe ...
Tutorial to paint a pot of flowers and a little garden gnome ...
Tutorial to paint 3 ornaments - gnome, snowman, and penguin wearing Santa hats ...
Tutorial to paint a little gnome on ice skates next to a big mug of hot chocolate ...
Tutorial to paint winter sign with cups of cocoa, gnomes, and sweet treats ...
Tutorial to paint a gnome, watermelon, and birdhouse in 3 versions to fit different surfaces ...
Tutorial to paint a holiday snowflake plaque or ornament with a little gnome tucked in an ice skate holding Jingle All the Way banner ...
Tutorial to paint a group of gnomes in a toadstool house ...
Tutorial to paint the back end of a pickup truck loaded with colorful flowers ...
Tutorial to paint paint a plaque with 3 gnomes peeking over picket fence at a scene with Valentine hearts, cake, roses, candy, and words Kisses and Hugs ...
Tutorial to paint a blue flower and a gnome holding a sign ...
Tutorial to paint a gnome, flowers, and birdhouse in 3 versions to fit different surfaces ...
Tutorial to paint a gnome with a evergreen tree hat and holding a lantern ....
Tutorial to paint 3 gnome and toadstool Christmas ornaments -
Tutorial to paint plaque with gnome and colorful spring flowers.
Tutorial to paint plaque with guard gnome holding a paint brush.
Tutorial to paint 3 snowy gnome ornaments -
Tutorial to paint gnome farmer standing in the pumpkin and sunflower patch ...
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