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Black chicken with apron and cooking utensils painted on gourd...
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Snowman holding stuffed bunny and pine & berry sprays painted on gourd...
Cardinals, snow, and winter greenery painted on a gourd...
Santa with candy and reindeer in his pockets painted on a gourd...
Santa holding gingerbread and snowman in his arms painted on a gourd...
Snowman holding stuffed bunnies, a flag garland, and pine & berry sprays painted on gourd...
Chicken with pumpkins and autumn leaves painted on gourd...
Santa pull toy - he is holding a package and wrapped in lights ...
Bear with beehive on gourd or paper towel holder.
Red or green apples painted on gourd.
Chickens painted on gourds.
Chicken and flowers painted on gourds.
Cat and mouse on gourd or paper towel holder.
Chicken painted on gourd.
Santa on chunky cutout.
Cardinals on snowy branches.
Black cat with little fishes.
Sleepy Santa painted on gourd.
Reindeer painted on gourd.
Dimensional Santa
Snowman painted on gourd.
Halloween Tree.
White pumpkin house.
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