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Tutorial to paint colorful macaw with a jungle background using acrylics.
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Tutorial by Debbie Cushing to paint a scene of two little birds wrapped in a red scarf and sitting on a tree branch with red heart berries with DecoArt Acrylics.
Tutorial to paint a white egret standing by the water using acrylics.
Tutorial by Debbie Cushing to paint a scene of two little birds wearing Santa hats sitting in a nest of holly with DecoArt Acrylics.
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Tutorial by Gini Deaton to paint a hummingbird drinking nectar from white flowers using oil paints, which can be adapted to acrylics.
Tutorial to paint a dove, vine wreath, and holly and berries using acrylics.
Tutorial to paint pumpkins and birds on a pumpkin cutout using DecoArt acrylic paints.
Tutorial by Chris Haughey showing how to paint Christmas ornament with pair of chickadees and birdhouse in a wreath using acrylics.
Tutorial by Tracy Moreau to paint a Christmas sign with 2 chickadees perched on snowy pine branches on stenciled sweater knit background using acrylics.
Tutorial to paint a male and female cardinal perched on evergreen branch on wine or water glasses using glass paint.
Tutorial to paint a pine cone, holly, and red berries on ornament with fabric background fused to surface using decoupage medium. The design is painted using regular acrylics.
You are purchasing a digital painting pattern in pdf format. We offer a service to print and mail it to you. Price varies depending on # pages in pattern.
Tutorial to paint pears. holly, and red berries on ornament with fabric background fused to surface using decoupage medium. The design is painted using regular acrylics.
Tutorial to paint jingle bells. holly, and red berries on ornament with fabric background fused to surface using decoupage medium. The design is painted using regular acrylics.
Tutorial to paint pink poinsettia. mistletoe with white berries on ornament with fabric background fused to surface using decoupage medium. The design is painted using regular acrylics.
Tutorial to paint cardinal on ornament with fabric background fused to surface using decoupage medium. The design is painted using regular acrylics.
Painting Pattern Tutorial by Gini Deaton to paint a bright yellow bird sitting among the purple lilacs and green foliage using oil paints, which can be adapted to acrylics.
Tutorial by Gini Deaton to paint a cockatoo against the background of a full moon and tropical trees and flowers using oil paints, which can be adapted to acrylics.
Tutorial by Gini Deaton to paint a yellow finch perched on a fence post among purple morning glories using oil paints, which can be adapted to acrylics.
Tutorial by Gini Deaton to paint a robin sitting on a berry branch with blue berry in his mouth using oil paints, which can be adapted to acrylics.
Tutorial by Gini Deaton to paint a robin perched on the top of a watering can with a farmhouse in the background using oil paints, which can be adapted to acrylics.
Tutorial to paint baby penguin snuggled under mom's wing against the wintry day using acrylics.
Painting tutorial for a scene of two little birds dressed in witch's hats and sitting atop Jack-o-lanterns for Halloween painted with acrylics.
Tutorial to paint a red cardinal perched on a snowy branch using acrylics.
Painting Pattern Tutorial by Gini Deaton to paint a llttle girl in the sunshine with an apron full of ducklings using oil paints which can be adapted to acrylics.
Tutorial by Gini Deaton to paint a red male cardinal standing tall on his perch on blooming sunflowers using oil paints which can be adapted to acrylics.
Tutorial to paint 3 ornaments - baby snowman, gingerbread, and owl wearing Santa hats.
Painting Pattern Tutorial by Debbie Cushing of baby peacock (peachick) painted with Faber-Castell Polychromos Colored Pencils.
Tutorial to paint a checked border, sunflowers, and crow on vintage metal oil can using acrylic paints.
Tutorial to paint plaque of snowy scene with cardinal perched on lamp post and evergreens in background using acrylics.
Painting tutorial for a scene of two little birds sitting in a rowboat on a pond painted with acrylics.
Tutorial by Tracy Moreau to paint Christmas bulb plaque with cardinal couple and holly and berries using acrylics.
Tutorial to paint two snowmen peeping through a window frame using acrylics.
Tutorial to paint flamingo with pink hibiscus body and words "My Happy Place" on a totebag using fabric paint.
Painting Pattern Tutorial by Gini Deaton to paint a woodland scene with birdhouse and bluebird sitting on a wooden stump embellished with flowers using oil paints which can be adapted to acrylics.
Tutorial to paint a crow perched atop a pumpkin on vintage metal minnow bucket using acrylic paints.
Tutorial by Gini Deaton to paint a landscape of chickens in the barnyard at sunrise using oil paints, but can be adapted to acrylics.
Tutorial to paint a beehive and thistle flowers on vintage coffee pot using acrylic paints.
Baby hummingbird and flowers on Lt. Grey suede board background.
Painting tutorial for a landscape of robin in flowering tree, birdhouse, and pond in the background using acrylics.
Tutorial to paint a blue bird perched on dogwood branch using acrylics.
Tutorial to paint a cardinal couple sitting on a holly branch using acrylic paint.
Tutorial to paint a rustic owl using acrylics.
Tutorial to paint a pair of Eastern bluebirds with vine wreath border on black background using acrylics.
Tutorial to paint 3 ornaments with baby birds with ribbons and bows and holly using acrylics.
Painting tutorial for eagle with red and white stripes and blue feathers with white stars using acrylics.
Red white and blue eagle on Lt. Grey suede board background.
Painting tutorial for 2 scenes of a bird perched on a fence in summer or winter using acrylics.
Tutorial to paint a Baltimore Oriole bird sitting on a branch.
Painting tutorial for a heron and pink hydrangeas painted with acrylics.
Tutorial to paint an owl face on glass using DecoArt Glass Paint and Americana Acrylics.
Tutorial to paint a pair of mallards on glass using DecoArt Glass Paint.
Painting tutorial for a scene of two little birds sitting on tree branch in the rain with umbrella and raincoat painted with acrylics.
Tutorial by Tracy Moreau to paint a beachy summer sign with seagull and words Life Is Better By the Sea using acrylics.
Tutorial to paint a flamingo and hibiscus flowers with acrylics.
Tutorial to paint impressionistic group of geese using watercolor.
Tutorial to paint a dahlia type fantasy flower with colored pencils.
Painting tutorial for a scene of two little birds sitting in their nest in a pine tree painted with acrylics.
Painting tutorial for a scene of two little birds wearing Uncle Sam hats sitting on tree brand with fireworks in the background painted with acrylics.
Tutorial to paint an Americana style cowboy boot with a bird perched on the toe using colored pencils.
Tutorial to paint a blue parakeet with colored pencils.
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