

Voo Doo Dolls - Tracy Moreau - PDF DOWNLOAD

Product ID TMD24095FREE
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This is a PDF download painting pattern which you can download after checking out from your confirmation page.  Pattern includes photos, supply list, text instructions, and line drawing to trace.

Tutorial by Tracy Moreau to paint a voodoo doll on gingerbread man cutout. Shown on 4-1/2" gingerbread cookie cutout or your choice of surface.

Gingerbread cookie cutout available at

6 pages with stepped painting photos.

DecoArt Americana Acrylics. Available from

Random Acts Of Kindness....
Visit and follow Tracy's Random Acts Of Kindness AYL Facebook page!! 
Tracy answers a few questions that have been sent my way...
1: What is RACK?
RACK is a very simple concept. download the FREE Pattern... order /make/reuse  a surface. Paint the design. Date them on the back and add a note  to  "Spread Kindness this Holiday Season"... and Give them away anyone that you feel NEEDS a bit of Holiday Cheer. To the gal at the grocery checkout, the server at the coffee shop, the guy making change at the gas station... anyone that could use a little infusion of the Holiday Spirit. 
We can all get a bit down at the mouth during the Holidays.. everyday stresses, often feel compounded during the season and a bit of kindness and generosity of spirit goes a long way!
2: Can I print  the pattern? 
Of course print it to your hearts content... just don't sell the copies. The entire point of this is to give something to someone with NO expectation of a return.
3: Can I sell the pins at a craft fair?? 
Your conscience will have to guide you on this one....your work , your choice, however  I would prefer that if they were sold... that the funds go to the Salvation Army, or a like charity. 
4: Do I have to use the surface you list? 
Nope... use whatever surface you want. I just listed what I used. if you have budgetary concerns and still want to participate... the shape is provided in the pattern, cut it out of cardboard or watercolour paper or whatever you have on hand. If the Pin Backs aren't available, too costly or hard to find... make it into an ornament by adding a bit of ribbon or string!
5: Can I teach the Pattern at my local chapter/group?? 
Of course...but please do it with no thought to compensation. ( perhaps a donation to a local shelter or charity)
Provide each student with either the link to download it or a copy of the pattern. 
6: May I share the download Link with my various painting groups, FB groups, Twitter, and other social media??
YES PLEASE!! Share to your hearts content! The More people that participate the MORE kindness we Spread!
What Better thing , than to have KINDNESS go VIRAL!

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