

Sitting Pretty (Oil) Painting Pattern - Gini Deaton

Product ID DEG24043
Price: $18.00
Date Added
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This is a PDF download painting pattern which you can download after checking out from your confirmation page. Pattern includes photos, supply list, text instructions, and line drawing to trace.

You can choose the option to have this pattern printed and mailed to you for an additional cost.

13 pages with photos. Full-size tracer.

Painting Pattern Tutorial by Gini Deaton to paint a vintage style painting of woman in long gown walking along a fenced path to market carrying baskets of eggs and berries and being followed by a chicken using oil paints, which can be adapted to acrylics. Painted on 14"x14" canvas, art panel, or your choice of surface.

Oil paints in your choice of brands, or substitute acrylics.

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