

Seasons Greetings Snowman Painting Pattern - Lorraine Morison - PDF DOWNLOAD

Product ID LMD23438EP
Price: $6.00
Date Added
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This is a PDF download painting pattern which you can download after checking out from your confirmation page.  Pattern includes stepped photos, supply list, text instructions, and line drawing to trace.  Includes step-by-step diagram to paint lace.

3 pages.

Tutorial to paint a snowman with a leaf border and background of snowflakes.  Snowflakes, leaf border, and lettering are stenciled - 

  1. Stamperia Formato G KSG477 stencil
  2. Creative Coach stencil BCS139
  3. Scrapmats ST-9060 stencil

Painted on an 8" round plate, or you can enlarge or reduce the drawing to fit on surface of your choice. No source provided for surface.

Painted with Decoart Americana, Dazzling Metallics acrylic paints.

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