
Pastry Chef Metal Framed Plaque Pattern DOWNLOAD

Product ID JB066EP
Price: $6.00
Date Added
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This cute little mustachioed chef is all ready to serve you a piece of freshly baked pie!  He would be a great addition to your kitchen decor.  He is also usable and versitile.  He can hold your tea towels, pot holders or any  number of other items.  This framed plaque is also interchangeable.  The wood insert can be removed and replaced with other designs. 
The frame measures 10.5 inches across and 12 inches tall from top of frame to bottom of hook.  The wood insert measures 6 1/16 inches square.    Pattern includes instructions, supply list, line drawing and 2 photos. 
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It was created using DecoArt Americana Acrylics. 
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