Sunflowers, daisies, and red flowers and white lace painted on blue background ... on 16-1/2" x 14-1/3" hexagonal platter or your choice of surface.
Painted with...
Decoart Americana - Deep Midnight Blue, Bright Blue, Crisp Blue, Ocean Blue, True Blue, Hauser Medium Green, Black Forest Green, Avocado Dip, Hauser Light Green, Arbor Green, Evergreen, Green Mist, Golden Straw, Light Cinnamon, Marigold, Cocoa, Summer Squash, Traditional Burnt Umber, Taffy Cream, Camel, Black Green, Snow White, Watermelon Slice, Black Plum, Scarlet, Baby Blue, Blue Chiffon
Matisse Structure - Metallic Gold
Jo Sonja’s Artists’ Colours - Warm White
Pattern includes photo, instructions, supply list, step by step lace diagram, and line drawing.