

A Twist You Cant Resist Painting Pattern PDF DOWNLOAD -Sandra Malone

Product ID MAS23162
Price: $7.00
Date Added
  • Description
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This is a PDF download painting pattern which you can download after checking out from your confirmation page. Pattern includes stepped photos, supply list, text instructions, and line drawing to trace. 5 pages.

Tutorial to paint a gnome elf dancing over a path of Christmas ribbon candy. This design is very adaptable to a variety of surfaces. It is painted on a 8"x10" rectangular panel.  Drawing is actual size. Enlarge or reduce as needed.

DecoArt Americana Acrylics. Available from

1 Product Reviews - Average rating 5 / 5 (Show All)
A Twist You Can't Resist
- 01/03/2024
Sandra always has unusual subjects. Can't wait to paint it!!

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