FAQs About Downloading Your ePatterns/eBooks
PLEASE NOTE ePatterns/eBooks are NON-REFUNDABLE. If you haven’t purchased or printed an e-Pattern before, we suggest you download one of our free e-Patterns as a test.
The ePackets and Digital Download Designs on our site are mainly in PDF format when you download them. A few that contain multiple files are in ZIP file which once saved and extracted will result in a folder with multiple PDF files to view and print.
How to Download Your e-Packet
- From order confirmation page after payment completed
- From link in order confirmation email
- From your store account Invoice Management section
- How to Download to iPad or iPhone
- How to Download to an Android Phone or Tablet
Immediately On Completion of Payment from Order Confirmation Page…
You should be redirected to a “Thank You for Your Order” Page that looks similar to the one below with a list of the ePatterns you have purchased. Just click “Download Product” next to each packet title to download it.
I would suggest you create a folder on your computer’s hard drive titled “ePacket Downloads” or something that is easy for you to remember and save all your ePattern files there for future reference or printing. If you are not prompted, your computer will store the file in the default download folder specified in your browser preferences… often a folder entitled “downloads” and you can move them later. You can search for the file on your computer by the Product ID#, such as “SP271EP”.
From link in your order confirmation email (check your spam/junk folder if not in your inbox)…
After payment, you should receive an ORDER CONFIRMATION EMAIL with the subject “Thank You for Your Order # – DecorativePaiintingStore.com“. (Don’t mistake this one with your payment confirmation from Paypal or Auth.net). In this email is a link to the page where you can download your e-Patterns. The link will look somthing like below
(note this is just a sample link so it won’t take you to your page):
YOUR PRODUCT DOWNLOADS – You can download your files at the following URL
https://www.decorativepaintingstore.com/latedownload.php?ordid=2015&pass=003aba252ce5a(if not displayed as a link – copy and paste the URL in your browser address bar)
From your store account… INVOICE MANAGEMENT SECTION
How to Download a PDF on an iPad or iPhone…
When downloading to an iPad or iPhone, the steps are a little different than downloading/opening on a computer. You can still reach your download links in the same manner as noted above…
- From your order confirmation page after payment complete.
- In the order confirmation email, click the link and a page should open in the Safari browser with a list of your e-patterns and a red ‘Download Product’ link to the right of each title (you may need to scroll right if you don’t see it).
- Login to your store account and click the “Download Management” section to see your ‘Download’ links.
Next you will …
- Click the red Download Product link,
- A popup window appears asking if you want to download ‘file name’, click the Download button in the popup.
- Next a little circle with a down arrow should appear at the top of the screen just to the right of the website url field.
- Click that down arrow, and you get a dropdown list of the files that are recently downloaded.
- Click on the file name in the list that you want and the pdf opens.
- To print the PDF, you will need a wireless printer. Click the ‘share’ icon (square with the up arrow at the bottom left or top right of the opened pdf), then choose Print, and follow the instructions in the print screen to select the printer and pages you wish to print.
- The pdf file will be saved to your “Files” folder. If you need to open later, search for the Files folder, then open it. Locate the pdf and tap it to open.
About PDF Format
When downloading PDF files, they can either be opened or saved during the download process. We recommend you save the file to your hard drive so that you have it stored in case you ever need to open and print it at a later date.
PDF files can be opened, viewed on your computer monitor, and any or all of it can be printed on your home printer using Adobe Acrobat Reader… a free software that comes standard on most computers. If you don’t have Acrobat Reader, or need the most recently updated version, you can download it for free at www.adobe.com.
About ZIP Format
When downloading zip files, you cannot open them until after they are downloaded and extracted. So you first need to SAVE them to your hard drive during the download process.
Locate the zip file on your hard drive after it is downloaded. (Where it is saved to will depend on the settings in your browser preferences… but usually it will be a folder entitled “download” or “downloads” on your hard drive.
- On Windows PCs, right-click the Zip file and select “Extract All…” or “Extract Here”. Extract All will allow you to set a location on your pc for the extracted folder to be placed, and Extract Here will uncompress the folder and leave it in the same location as the ZIP file was downloaded.
- On Macs, double click the zip file and it should automatically “unzip” itself and create the PDF file if it contains just one file, or a folder containing multiple files for the product.
- On iPads… you need a special app to download zip files to an iPad and open them. There are several available for free at the app store. I have one on my own iPad called “My Media”. Another popular one is iDownloader (Free version). In addition there are many IOS download managers that are available for a small price.
If You Get an Error Message When Downloading a Pattern –
A download link may occasionally be mis-formatted and throw out an error message.
Try the download link for each product in your order, you may not get the error on all of them. Download those you can, then contact me and I will email the missing files to you.
Printing Your e-Packet
Printing colored pages will require a colored printer. For best results, we recommend you print the colored pages using your printer’s best photo quality settings and a compatible photo paper. Using the same brand paper as your printer, does make a difference in the results. Due to printer differences, colors may vary when printed
Please Respect the Designer’s Copyright When Using e-Packets
The intent is for you to have fun with our decorative painting e-Packets, and use them to personally paint the designs for fun and profit, but we do ask that you please respect the designer’s copyright by not redistributing the file in any form either electronically or in print.
You MAY:
- Print the e-Packet for your personal use.
- Enlarge and reduce the line drawing to fit the surface of your choice.
- Hand paint this design to give as gifts or to sell. If you are displaying or selling the finished product on the internet, please use courtesy and give the designer copyright credit in your description with a simple statement such as: “based on a copyrighted design by *fill in designer’s name*”.
- Save it to a CD or other storage media to archive for yourself.
You May NOT:
- Re-sell or give away the pdf file to friends, students, or other painters.
- Print copies of this pattern to sell or give away.
- Email, copy it to a disk, or make it available to download on the internet to sell or give away.
- Create and sell any deriviative digital or printed products from the designs in this pattern, such as web graphics, printed notecards, etc. These type things fall under the category of mass-producing and require permission and a licensing agreement from the designer.
If you ever have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to ask.
Sharon Chinn
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