About Us

Hi, I’m Sharon Chinn, a Certified Decorative Artist, and owner of DecorativePaintingStore.com.

Decorative Painting Store is the favorite 1-stop shopping site for 8000+ downloadable painting e-Pattern by over 100 painting designers.  These painting pattern tutorials, often called pattern packets, will walk you step-by-step through how to create your own tole and decorative painted project. Each e-Pattern includes photos, supply list, line drawing to trace, and instructions. Shop, pay, download, and print your painting pattern immediately from your order confirmation page!

I’m a one-woman home-based business located on the Kentucky-side of Greater Cincinnati. I work very hard to provide exceptional service to my customers and the designers I represent, so if you ever have a problem, contact me so I can help. I’m adding new epatterns almost daily so be sure to check back often.

Decorative painting utilizes simple techniques that are easy to learn. Even if you cannot draw, you can hand paint keepsake gifts, home decorating accessories, and craft fair projects using the wonderful designs and instructions in painting books and pattern packets created by many talented decorative artists.

Sharon’s Bio

Sharon has been a decorative artist since the 1979 and received her Certified Decorative Artist award from the Society of Decorative Painters in 1989. She has has had 9 books published, dozens of painting patterns, has contributed to various decorative painting specialty magazines, and previously did a limited amount of travel teaching.

Contact Me…

Mailing Address: 10055 Meadow Glen Drive Independence, KY 41051 USA Email Address: sharon@decorativepaintingstore.com Telephone (Eastern Standard Time Zone): 859-630-1627 Mobile or Text (Monday-Friday 9am-5pm EST) (I am the one and only person who works this web store site.  Please be considerate as I cannot be available 24/7.  I would appreciate if you only call between 9am – 5pm Eastern Time.  I work from home, so if I don’t answer, leave a message and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.) If you send the enquiry form below, I try to answer within a few hours, but  if you don’t hear from me within 24 hours PLEASE CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER.
Are you a painter? (Trying to weed out spam)(required)

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