3 New Winter Patterns from Martha Smalley / Terrye French

Martha has such interesting ideas for interpreting designs inspired by Terrye French and these 3 new ones are no exceptions…

MSD-PWF044webCheckerboard Snowie

is painted on an old checkerboard and if you can’t find one, Martha has provided instructions on how you can recreate the background.

Order the CheckerBoard Snowie pattern By Mail for $7
or as an immediate download and save $2 and postage.





MSD-PWF043webThe Spirit of Christmas Lunchbox

is painted on a domed metal lunchbox that Martha has given a faux rusty finish with paint.  A vintage Santa in red, white stylized trees, and snowman totems complete the design.  She also suggests this design would be great on a door crown or memory box.

Order the Spirit of Christmas LunchBox pattern By Mail for $7
or as an immediate download and save $2 and postage.




MSD-PWF042web1Joy to the World Book Light

This sweet pattern uses a paper mache book box that opens.   Martha has painted a primitive winter scene on the cover.  Open the book and the inside cover is finished with scrapbooking paper, and she has put a dimensional winter scene mimicing the cover design in the box opening.  Set a primitive electric candle in front of the open book to illuminate the scene.MSD-PWF042web2

Order the Joy to the World Book Light pattern By Mail for $7
or as an immediate download and save $2 and postage.

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